Sinus LiftUL3119, M-EL1, = Mectron®: EL1 Separation of the sinus membrane, 2 mm around the frame of bony window. UL3111, M-EL2, = Mectron®: EL2 Separation of the sinus membrane in internal zones. UL3112, M-EL3, = Mectron®: EL3 Separation of the sinus membrane in internal zones. UL3135, M-OT5, = Mectron®: OT5 Non-traumatic, to finalize the osteotomy or osteoplasty on thin bone and/or near delicate anatomic structures. EndoUL3114, M-EN1, = Mectron®: EN1 Titanium nitride coating, diamond grain size 30 μm. UL3132, M-OT1, = Mectron®: OT1 To finalize the osteotomy in proximity of soft tissue (for example: sinus membrane, vessel, alveolar nerve). UL3115, M-EN2, = Mectron®: EN2 Gentle apical root debridement. UL3116, M-EN3, = Mectron®: EN3 Apical root debridement. UL3117, M-EN4, = Mectron®: EN4 Gentle apical root debridement. ExtractionUL3119, M-ET1, = Mectron®: EX1 To cut off the ankylosis, root fraction techniques. ImplantologyUL3121, M-UI1 OsteotomyUL3126, M-OP1, Mectron®: OP1 Bone remodeling and harvesting of bone chips. UL3127, M-OP3, = Mectron®: OP3 Periodontal osteotomy, crown lengthening, bone chips harvesting, inflammatory tissue removal (cyst, etc). Perio UL3128, M-OP5, = Mectron®: OP5 Root debridement and root planing during resective and regenerative periodontal surgery. UL3129, M-OP6, = Mectron®: OP6 Root preparation in periodontal surgery. OsteotomyUL3133, M-OT2, = Mectron®: OT2 Osteotome of great precision in anatomically thin structures (for example, ridge expansion, interdental corticotomies, non-traumatic nasal spina). ImplantologyUL3134, M-OT4, = Mectron®: OT4 To correct pilot osteotomy axis, to finalize the implant site preparation close to the alveolar nerve; sinus crestal approach technique. OsteotomyUL3136, M-OT6, = Mectron®: OT6 Osteotomy of large bone sections during maxillofacial surgery. UL3137, M-OT7, = Mectron®: OT7 All the osteotomy technique in maxilla and mandible; ridge expansion; corticotomy technique; bone block grafting. UL3138, M-OT7S-3, Mectron®: OT7S-3 Very thin osteotomy, corticotomy for orthodontic microsurgery technique, root separation in dental extraction technique and periodontal surgery UL3139, M-OT8L, = Mectron®: OT8L All the osteotomy technique in maxilla and ma